Association of Engineering Students for Surveying in Scope of Work

"Become an Engineer on Your Best Quality Way"

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Senin, 08 Juni 2020

Jurnal Perkapalan

Jurnal Perkapalan

Standardisasi Keamanan yang Diperbolehkan untuk Proses Loading Unloading Batubara pada Kapal Bulk Carrier MV. Glovis Desire

Pengangkutan batubara melalui jalur laut menggunakan kapal tongkang yang ditarik oleh tug boat yang kemudian batubara tersebut dimuat ke Vessel menggunakan Floating Crane. Berat jenis akan mempengaruhi massa batubara. Selain itu factor cuaca seperti hujan, panas dan kondisi batubara seperti kelembabpan serta kering basahnya juga akan mempengaruhinya. Batubara secara umum memiliki massa jenis 1346 Kg/𝑚3, yaitu jenis batubara bitumen padat. Dalam proses pemuatan batubara, terdapat standar keamanan di tongkang maupun Vessel. Yakni tidak melebihi garis Plimsoll Mark sesuai dengan daearah/musim dimana kapal tersebut berlayar. Untuk keselamatan kapal maka setiap kapal tidak dijinkan memuat melebihi kapasitasnya sehingga harus memuat sesuai garis muat pada Plimsoll Mark.

Kata Kunci : Batubara, Plimsoll Mark, Vessel, Tongkang.

Materi dapat di unduh di bawah ini:

Minggu, 07 Juni 2020

Materi Kesurveyoran

Materi Kesurveyoran

Materi Kesurveyoran
by Mahendra Guna Satriananta,S.T

Marine surveyor is a person who conducts inspections, surveys or examinations of marine vessels to assess, monitor and report on their condition and the products on them, as well as inspects damage caused to both vessels and cargo. Marine surveyors also inspect equipment intended for new or existing vessels to ensure compliance with various standards or specifications. Marine surveys typically include the structure, machinery and equipment (navigational, safety, radio, etc.) and general condition of a vessel and/or cargo. It also includes judging materials on board and their condition. Because certifications and subsequently payments are processed only after the surveyor has expressed his or her satisfaction, a marine surveyor holds a prestigious position and is held with much regard in the shipbuilding industry. Marine Surveyors are highly qualified and technically sound and are usually selected after thorough evaluation procedures as vessels ranging from small ferries to enormous crude oil carriers and cruise liners are approved to sail into the high seas based purely on their judgment, competence and integrity.

Marine surveying is often closely associated with marine insurance, damage and salvage, accident and fraud investigation as insurers generally lack the training and skills required to perform a detailed assessment of the condition of a vessel. Marine surveyors are hired on a fee basis by customers seeking insurance directly and maintain professional autonomy in order to provide an unbiased view. Independent marine surveyors are often employed by the clients of marine insurers to provide evidence in support of damage claims made against the insurer. Insurance companies cannot require customers to use specific marine surveyors and risk legal scrutiny and potential recourse if they impose surveyor requirements.

You can read and download the following pdf:


57 Members
From various universities
7 Division
Have many programs
From various jobs


Mahendra Guna S
Hartono Yudo
Dewa Anjar N
President Director
Siska Dearni A P


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Tembalang, Semarang, Indonesia

Work Time:

Monday - Friday from 9am to 4pm




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Jurnal Perkapalan

Standardisasi Keamanan yang Diperbolehkan untuk Proses Loading Unloading Batubara pada Kapal Bulk Carrier MV. Glovis Desire Abstrak Pengangk...